Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Holy Cheesecake, Batman!

Here's an AP filler item culled from the back pages of the November 11th, 1966, issue of the Winona Daily News describing a most titillating gimmick used by "Anita Batgirl", waitress at a Manhattan supper club called The Crystal Room.

In the spirit of Ms. Batgirl's sense of style, I've put together a small gallery of some similarly attired models and burlesque performers of yesteryear.

Actress/performer Nancy Carroll,  supposedly c. 1932.

Maila Nurmi, perhaps best known in her guise of Vampira, horror hostess and goth icon, from
the Sept. 1950 issue of Glamorous Models magazine.

A "bat lady" c. 1880.

Shirley MacLaine as Bat Lady from the 1955 Martin & Lewis picture Artists And Models.

Rochas fashion house and perfumier Hélene Rochas photographed by Andre Ostier
as a costume ball in Paris, dubbed the "Nuit du Pré Catalan."
A few images from the 4th issue of German magazine Elegante Welt from 1951

The lovely Yvonne Craig as Batgirl from the third season of the 60s Batman tv series

Maura Monti as Bat Woman from the 1968 Mexican film La Mujer Murcielago

Embedded below is part one of La Mujer Murcielago, broken into three parts on Youtube. It's worth a look, as Bat Woman battles crooks, evil scientists and fishmen, but note that it is all in Spanish language only and without subtitles.

Sunday, July 7, 2019

Police Shoot Ghosts

Here's a bizarre little bit of filler from the back pages of the Evening Edition of the April 27th, 1920 edition of The Winona Republican-Herald.